About Us

Supply and demand are moving online. Their final stage is to mail the products. More and more manufacturers communicate directly with end customers, and the number of shipments in the B2C and B2B segment is constantly increasing.


Do you agree that it does not matter in what packaging you receive the ordered goods? Put yourself in the role of the buyer, the recipient.


Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you are looking for suitable packaging for sending your products, catalogs and the like?


Well, in our company, we provide the best solutions for packaging products that are sent by mail.


Do you need professional packaging, innovative solutions?


Pack with style, pack with vision. Customers will notice and reward this.


Kal 9a
8333 Semič

info (at) unitpac.com

IBAN: SI56 0400 0027 9023 836 (open by OTP banka d.d.)

Reg. number: 2147025000
VAT number: SI23332484