Personal Data Protection Policy

Thank you for visiting our website. The protection of your personal data is very important to us. In addition to providing high-quality content, we also grant you the right to determine the way in which your personal data is being used. This Privacy Policy governs the collection, storage, and processing of the users’ personal data collected by the controller.



Personal data controller

The controller is the company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o., Kal 9a, 8333 Semič, Slovenia.

The data protection officer is accessible by mobile phone at +38640550694 and via e-mail at

As a recipient or user, you allow the controller to collect, process, and store the personal data submitted, all in accordance with the applicable personal data protection legislation.


Personal data categories

The data stored by the personal data controller:

  • e-mail address;
  • name and surname along with a title or gender to facilitate the creation of personalized e-mails;
  • company’s name;
  • address;
  • GSM number;
  • past inquiries, purchases, invoices, claims.


The purposes of personal data processing

The controller, i.e. the company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o., will use the data obtained from users for the following purposes:

  • to facilitate communication related to subscriptions or (pre-)contractual relations;
  • to conduct prize competitions;
  • to provide notifications and send newsletters, articles by e-mail;
  • to conduct direct marketing and send offers via e-mail and on the website; 
  • to display tailored advertisements on advertising platforms (Google and Facebook).


Storage period

Personal data is stored for an indefinite period of time or until the withdrawal of consent to the storage and processing of personal data. As soon as an individual withdraws the consent, that individual's personal data is effectively and permanently deleted.

If the above-listed purposes for storing and processing personal data shall cease to exist, the databases that are no longer processed for the stated purpose will be immediately, effectively, and permanently deleted.


Personal data protection

The controller will protect the obtained data in accordance with the applicable personal data protection legislation and in accordance with internal acts implemented on the basis of the law. The controller will provide adequate organizational and technical protection and will not submit or disclose the obtained data to third persons under any circumstances. The company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o. initiates and maintains appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data.  However, no one can guarantee one hundred percent safety when transferring data online.


User rights

The provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulate that the personal data controller must, at the user’s request:

  • confirm whether the data related to the user is being processed or not and enable the user to access their data;
  • provide a copy of the personal data related to the user;
  • allow the user to correct or amend their personal data;
  • allow the user to partially or completely delete their personal data;
  • allow the user to transfer their personal data to another provider of similar services;
  • allow the user to partially or completely revoke their consent to personal data processing.

The controller will honour your wish to revoke your consent and finalize the revocation of your consent to personal data processing within 15 days. 

Any individual who feels that their rights in relation to personal data protection have been breached by the controller may file a complaint with the supervisory authority (the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia) at any given time. 

Every user has the option of sending an e-mail with the revocation as an answer to a received e-mail.


Contractual processors and storage area

The controller forwards the collected personal data to the contractual processors, who may process the data solely within the scope of the controller's instructions and authorizations and who are obliged by a written contract concluded with the controller to provide an adequate level of personal data protection, specifically: for CRM, an e-mail marketing system, and a marketing automation system. The provider stores personal data files in the EU and does not export them to third countries. 

The controller may forward personal data to digital advertising platforms (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) and use their cookies that enable the controller to create more precise segments, display targeted ads, and conduct remarketing. The controller thus provides the user with more relevant advertisements on these platforms. This may involve the export of data to a contractual processor outside the EU.


Legal notice

The entire graphic design of the website, including all graphic elements and all content published on, is owned by the company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o. and subject to copyright protection or another form of intellectual property protection. Without a permission from the company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o., the content must not be copied, disseminated, or distributed in any other way. It is forbidden to use the content in any form, including, but not limited to, alteration, copying, and publication of any content in its entirety or in parts, unless the controller issues a written authorization. 


The company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o. will make its best efforts to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the website; however, the user should take note of the fact that all texts are for information purposes only and the company does not guarantee their accuracy or up-to-dateness nor does it assume any liability in this regard. All users use the published content on their own responsibility.  The company PERCEPCIJA d.o.o. shall not be held responsible for any potential issues related to website functionality. PERCEPCIJA d.o.o. reserves the right to potential errors in terms of the content published on and the right to alter or remove the content of the website at any time regardless of the reason and without prior notice. 




Kal 9a

8333 Semič



May 2023